Rajshri Entertainment, a leading film production company based in Mumbai has listed the job opening of 2D animator, FCP editor and VFX artist. The details of the same are given below.
Job Responsibilities – Video Editor at Rajshri Entertainment, Mumbai
- Must be professionally qualified from a media institute
- Having hands-on experience in video editing
- Good for editing various pattern of You Tube Videos.
VFX Artist
- Professionally qualified from a media institute
- Good knowledge of Adobe after effects and Adobe Photoshop
2D Animator/ Flash Animator
- Must have a certification/ graduation/post graduation from any accredited institute/University in India
- Have sound knowledge of Adobe After Effects, Illustrator, Coreldraw, Adobe Flash, 3D MAX, MAYA and Adobe Photoshop.
To apply for any one of the above openings, send your resume to [email protected]
Recruiter: Darshana Jain
Portfolio: http://www.rajshri.com/
When you apply for this job, don’t forget to mention to the employer that you found this job on Filmmakers Fans.
Related to: Video Editor, VFx job In Mumbai