Jobs for Cinematographer and Videographer in Mumbai at Anany Aujjwal Photography

Anany Aujjwal Photography, a Photography firm based in Mumbai is looking for Cinematographers and Photographers. The job location is in New Delhi. Read The description below before applying for the job.

1- LEAD CINEMATOGRAPHERS – Somebody who has a sense of making a film. Would be great if you have done wedding films before. You would need to work on Lifestyle and wedding projects with us!
2- VIDEO EDITOR – We are ready to make you see a hell lot of good work day in and day out. We do that too. 😀 All you need to have is a good sense of beats and music.

Interested ones to drop in details over [email protected] with your Full Name, DOB, Contact details and samples of Work.

Added By: Ujjwal Vanvari

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  1. Name: Prabhu Ns.
    Mobile : +919940561104

    Independent Cinematographer, and have worked as an Assistant Cinematographer in Tamil film industry…
    Living in Chennai.

    Educationand  Qualification:

    Diploma in Visual Communication
     Softview Multimedia College.

    Diploma in Film & Television Technology
    Loyola College, Chennai

    PG Diploma in Cinematography & Lighting Techniques.
     Asian Academy of Film & Television, New Delhi.

     Internships  and  Workshop:


    Internship in the  organization  in  film  making  in  Chennai, Tamil Nadu. I got  a  great  chance  and good experience  to learn film  making with  chief  guests  &  Workshop  Leaders  Hollywood Filmmaker  Mr. Edward  T. McDougal from  Chicago. and  in  an  FINLAND  oriented IRR  TV  Network.


    Attended workshop in  Television, Radio and Broadcasting Management  ·  Chennai,  Tamil Nadu I had a good experience as well as fruitful knowledge which is practiced in my film studies.

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