Freelance Product/Commercial Filmmaker/Director needed at Eran Group

Eran Group is looking for  Product/Commercial Filmmaker/Director

Job Details

  • Should have good experience with latest Filmmaking technologies.
  • Creatively direct the video for sending out the message
    Write scripts for the small commercials, infomercials etc.
  • Create lot of Infomercials example a TV commercial featuring our products with the quality of LED we use, quality of paint we use, Technology, warranty etc.
  • Creative eye for excellent Cinematography is required.
  • Graphic based infomercials may not always require the person to do the actual shoot but creating some highly intuitive graphics based videos.
  • A degree in Film making is an added advantage
  • Make 30 seconds videos e.g.for product promotions etc.

Key skills

  • Min 5 years of related exp or a suitable portfolio to support the skills
  • Passion
  • Direction abilities
  • Script writing
  • Cinematography
  • Video editing
  • Filmmaking tools

Experience – Proven experience in creating and directing graphics based/video based commercials and infommercials

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  1. Got just the right fit . Done a lot of such work for digital platforms. Please call at 9811707973 for showreel

  2. As per requirement everything for director of movie, all are with me. Just give me chance to exhibit my worth

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